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overtureR 0.2.0

  • Add support for downloading Overture Maps data via record_overture and snapshot_overture. These functions return a lazy ‘overture_call’ dataframe linked to the new local dataset.

  • The second parameter to open_curtain has changed from ‘bbox’ to ‘spatial_filter’, which allows both bounding boxes (named vector or class ‘bbox’), ‘sf’ objects, or another dbplyr dataframe (e.g. a different overtureR dataset/table. In the latter two cases, the data will first be filtered by the bounding box of spatial_filter, then geographically if necessary. Filtering is currently by intersection.

  • open_curtain parameter ‘bbox’ is deprecated, and will likely be removed in a future release.

  • Class ‘overture_call’ has been added to facilitate collect calls directly as sf objects.

  • collect_sf is now deprecated, use collect.

overtureR 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-01

  • Initial CRAN submission